From Plates to Purpose: Taste of the World and Our Mission Impact

This past Saturday, August 31st, we gathered for our annual Taste of the World event at Everybody Growing Church. What a night it was! Our community came together in a beautiful display of fellowship, sharing food from around the globe in support of a cause close to our hearts: Move the Mission.

This event is more than just a potluck; it’s a journey through the diverse cultures represented within our church family. From savoury to sweet, every dish told a story, bringing us closer as we “tasted the world” together. The atmosphere was fun and heartwarming, filled with the sounds of worship in many languages as we listened to music from all over the globe.

But beyond the food and fellowship, Taste of the World serves a greater purpose. Every dollar raised goes towards Move the Mission, supporting missionaries who spread the gospel across the world. The proceeds also fund our district Youth department, Ontario Youth, empowering the next generation through conventions, youth camps, campus ministries like CMI and P7, and more.

As we reflect on the success of this event, we’re reminded of the impact we can make when we come together. The joy of sharing a meal, the camaraderie of our community, and the power of worship in many tongues all point to one thing: we are united in mission.

Join us in making a difference. If you weren’t able to attend or if you feel moved to contribute further, we invite you to make a monetary donation. Your generosity will help continue the work of spreading the gospel and supporting our youth.

Donate today and be part of something bigger—something that reaches beyond borders and touches lives around the world.

To see more photos of the event, check out our social media accounts @everybodygrowingchurch on Instagram, Facebook.

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